

CAHR Heading Lines Graphic

Over the years, writing and research have been focused on issues arising from the 6 areas where I see an intersection between architecture and human rights; that is, participation, cultural rights, rights of access, housing rights, environmental rights, and workers’ rights. Some of these began as presentations and ended as papers. In addition, these 6 issues fall under a broad umbrella of professional ethics and architectural education.

Current research:

  • Cities – papers currently underway on (1) gentrification and rights, and (2) the Human Rights City
  • Rights and the construction industry (including contracts for consultants, construction, and procurement); the regulation of the built environment
  • Labour rights and architecture
  • Completion of a book – working title “Architecture and human rights”

Past research:

Architecture and ethics
Community Design/alternative practice
  • Pom Mahakan community – Student report. This bilingual report represented 3 months work with the Pom Mahakan community. It was also an argument for their continued residency and was also a part of the community’s submission to the National Human Rights Commission of Thailand.
  • The Citizen Architect (2002), presented at the Architectural Institute of British Columbia ‘Speaking Out’ conference 02 May 02 and lectures at the Sarvajanik College of Engineering & Technology, Surat, India, September 2002
  • The Last Architect (2004) conference proceedings, the Silpakorn Architectural Discourse, 18-19 MAR 04, Bangkok, Thailand.
Architecture education and human rights
UN-Habitat Case Studies (Housing rights)
Disaster recovery/land rights
Architecture and cultural rights
Architecture and environment
Cities/rights of access
The right to participate

Book Chapters

Participation is a Right
Pp 19-24 in

UIA2021RIO Proceedings,
Volume 1, ACSA Press (2021)

A Portuguese translation of Panic or Plan: architecture in a world of change.

Chapter 12 (pp 277-288) in Manuel Carlos Silva et al (eds.), POR UMA HABITAÇÃO BÁSICA: Cidadania, democracia associativa e metodologias participativas, Edições Afrontamento, 2020.

The Trouble with Architecture

Ch. 2 (pp11-29) in Sadri, Hossein (Ed.), Neo-liberalism and the Architecture of the Post Professional Era, Springer, (2018).

Architecture and Human Rights

Ch. 57 in Cushman, Thomas (ed.) Handbook of Human Rights, Routledge (2011)

Surviving the Second Tsunami: land rights in the face of buffer zones, land grabs, and development

Chapter 7 (pp 133- 148) in Lizarralde, G., Davidson, C., and Johnson, C. (eds.), Rebuilding after disasters: From emergency to sustainability, Taylor & Francis (2010).

Rendered Invisible: Urban Planning, Cultural Heritage, and Human Rights

Chapter 8 (pp 117-134) in Logan, W., Nic Craith, M., and Langfield, M. (eds.) Cultural Diversity, Heritage and Human Rights, Routledge (2010)